CFDs or Physical Cryptos?
Let us settle the debate for you. CFDs offer advantages to the speculator that are not provided by underlying "physical" crypto market. They are:
No Fussing with Crypto Wallets or Hardware Wallets
If you buy and sell physical cryptocurrencies you need to
make a decision on whether or not you leave your physical
cryptocurrencies with your provider. If you do, you risk
they may be hacked. If you do not, you have to learn how
to use hardware wallets where one wrong keystroke could
mean all funds are lost.
Crytpocurrencies are not widely accepted as payment for
goods and services. No need to hold them physically.
Regulation That Protects
CFDs are regulated financial products. Physical crypto is
not. To the investor that means the firm they deal with is
subject to oversight by both regulators, auditors, and
best execution committees. With a CFD, you can be sure you
are receiving the best price available as it's a
regulatory requirement. You are not guaranteed that with
physical crypto.
Better Platforms
Our platforms are battle-tested and have been in
development throughout AI Digital Growth's 20 year
history. They are more feature-rich than the
newly-established trading platforms of physical crypto
companies. You may
invest in any crypto
product you like without regard for what you currently
hold in your account. For example, an AI Digital Growth
account in GBP can go long BTC/USD without need to first
own USD. That is not the case with major crypto
Our Markets
Bitcoin (BTC/USD)
Bitcoin is a global form of digital currency. Unlike
traditional currencies, which were frequently backed by
gold and silver, bitcoin is based on distributed
computing. While traditional currencies are printed by
central banks, bitcoins are created or "mined" by
distributed computer networks.
Past Performance: Past Performance is not an indicator of future results.
Margin | Average Spread | Smallest Investment Size | Largest Investment size |
Up to 4:1 | 26.23 | 0.05 BTC | 5 BTC |
Ethereum (ETH/USD)
Ether is the digital currency used by Ethereum. Ether is
the fuel or "gas" used to pay for transactions made on the
Ethereum platform. Ether gives participants a reason to
contribute resources used by the platform, thereby
ensuring a robust network. Further, it provides developers
with incentive to write efficient code, as inefficient
software programs are more expensive.
Past Performance: Past Performance is not an indicator of future results.
Margin | Average Spread | Smallest Investment Size | Largest Investment size |
Up to 4:1 | 1.87 | 0.1 ETH | 100 ETH |
Litecoin (LTC/USD)
Litecoin is an open-source, decentralized digital currency
that was created in 2011 using code from a Bitcoin client.
Because of the close relationship between the two, many
have described Litecoin as being the Silver to Bitcoin's
Past Performance: Past Performance is not an indicator of future results.
Margin | Average Spread | Smallest Investment Size | Largest Investment size |
Up to 4:1 | 0.6 | 1 LTC | 1000 LTC |
Bitcoin Cash (BCH/USD)
Bitcoin Cash is a cryptocurrency that forked from Bitcoin
in 2017. Its one major difference is that the blocks in
bitcoin cash's blockchain allow far more space and
therefore have the capacity to hold significantly more
Past Performance: Past Performance is not an indicator of future results.
Margin | Average Spread | Smallest Investment Size | Largest Investment size |
Up to 4:1 | 2.93 | 0.1 BCH | 100 BCH |
EOS is the cryptocurrency of the EOS network, a Blockchain
platform built for developing dApps (distributed apps).
The main aim of EOS is to build a much more scalable,
faster, and more efficient version of Ethereum.
Past Performance: Past Performance is not an indicator of future results.
Margin | Average Spread | Smallest Investment Size | Largest Investment size |
Up to 4:1 | 0.02 | 1 EOS | 1000 EOS |
Stellar (XLM/USD)
Stellar is a platform that was designed to facilitate the
transfer of funds instantly, anywhere in the world. The
lumen, often abbreviated XLM, is the protocol token of the
Stellar network
Past Performance: Past Performance is not an indicator of future results.
Margin | Average Spread | Smallest Investment Size | Largest Investment size |
Up to 4:1 | 0.0015 | 100 XLM | 10000 XLM |