
Commodity investment with AI Digital Growth

Invest your opinion of the global commodity market
with products such as gold, oil, natural gas and copper.


Invest in CFDs on commodities like oil and gas is a great way to diversify your portfolio, and offers you access to those markets without having to purchase the product outright.

Whatever your investment goals may be, make the most of today’s market action and start investing in popular oil and gas products with AI Digital Growth.

Why invest in CFDs with AI Digital Growth?

Globally regulated & licensed

Globally regulated & licensed

Our brand is regulated and licensed under the FSC of the Republic of Mauritius and UK’s FCA, among others

Dedicated support in 18 languages

Dedicated support in 18 languages

We speak your language so that you can feel at home while investing with us

Ultimate transparent

Ultimate transparent

AI Digital Growth’s Performance statistics, including Requote, Slippage and Order Execution, are checked by PwC.

Secure & Safe

Secure & Safe

Your funds are kept in segregated accounts, and your investment are secured by negative balance protection.

CFD investment on Commodities

How does Commodity CFD investment work?

A Contract for Difference (CFD) is an agreement between the buyer and the seller. It means that the seller will pay the buyer the difference between the commodity’s current price and its price at the point the contract specifies. By investing CFDs on commodities, investors are speculating whether the value of the instrument will rise or fall.

One of the main benefits of CFD investment is that you’re investing on the expectation of a price movement, so you don’t have to actually buy (or take delivery of) the underlying asset. Because you can take a short position (expecting the price to decrease) as well as a long one (expecting the price to increase), you can still make a profit when the commodity falls in value — not just when it rises. This gives commodity CFD investors greater flexibility and more opportunities to earn from market movements. By the same token, you should be aware of the potential for losses when going long or short on a commodity’s price.

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